Connect to Midland server in Linux Client (Ubuntu)

2022/07/09 Programming Skills 共 1004 字,约 3 分钟

Why need this article?

I was told to connect the RCP server off campus using the application called global protection. But I faced problem called “SSL shakehand failed” on my machine. I checked the error log and could assure that it’s caused by the version of SSL. Before I upgrade my system to Ubuntu 22.04 LTS, the libqt5network uses SSL 1.0. But after that they developers update SSL to SSL 3.0 which is not supported by Mines.

That means the package provided by Mines doesn’t work in Ubuntu 22.04 LTS or newer version.

Machine information

Note that my machine is based on ubuntu 22.04 LTS and I modified some of the libs on it.

When it works?

Anyway, this article works while your machine is Ubuntu 22.04 LTS or newer. Only fit for Debian family, won’t work in Redhat or Arch.


I’ve tested several alternatives from the Internet and choose the best one.

Here are the commands:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:yuezk/globalprotect-openconnect

then update the package:

sudo apt update
sudo apt upgrade

finally install the package:

sudo apt install globalprotect-openconnect 

This version works. Tested.

Update on 08/30/2023

On Arch Linux/Manjaro Linux:

sudo pacman -S globalprotect-openconnect



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