Connect to Midland server in Linux Client (Archlinux)

2022/08/31 Programming Skills 共 714 字,约 3 分钟

This time is arch linux

I deleted my ubuntu by … some kind of … accident. Then I turned back to arch. I must say archlinux is masterpiece, and when I tried to connect to midland server, I met another problem, the pacman is different from apt, I could add a private repo. But thanks to aur, we could also install the vpn client on archlinux.


I’ve tested several alternatives from the Internet and choose the best one.

Here are the commands(arch&zsh):

Update the package:

sudo pacman -Syyu

install from git, so if you have not installed git, go through these commands:

  • Install git
    sudo pacman -S git
  • clone globalprotect from AUR
    git clone
  • build the package
    build -rsi

If you have yay, then it will be much easier:

yay globalprotect-openconnect-git

Then you could enjoy the network.



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