Here I record some problems on my pc.
(OpenSSL) problem
After you update your openssl, you may come across this problem. The error message is:
node: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
Solution 1:
You could create a symlink to the shared lib, so:
ln -s
ln -s
And reload the cache:
sudo ldconfig
Solution 2:
You could install another version of openssh to directly solve this problem:
% Distribution: Arch Linux.
sudo pacman -S openssl-1.1
Box type structure in wine application
Due to lack of Chinese (or Japanese and Korean) font in wine, we need to install the font in the container.
Enter the winetricks with command:
winetricks --gui
And you need to select the default container, and install a font. For insurance you need to choose install all the fonts.
(Matlab ) can’t link to Linux lib
sudo rm -rf /usr/local/MATLAB/R2017a/bin/glnxa64/
sudo ln -s /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ /usr/local/MATLAB/R2017a/bin/glnxa64/
While GID activates, needs to use /usr/local/MATLAB/R2017a/bin/glnxa64/ But I guess this version is not compatible with’s version.
I used rm -rf deleted … What a mistake.
[How to]install panoply and configure it
:) I’m not familiar with those java program…
1. Install panoply via pamac
This is quite simple. But after this you will face another question: you could not open it for your default java version is too old(jdk 8, we often use this version to learn but not to program)
2. Set the jdk version to a newer one
You could install another openjdk and type this command: (only work for arch distributions)
archlinux-java set java-17-openjdk(any version newer than jdk 11 is Okay)
- 本文作者:Shenyao Jin
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